Archive for the ‘life is unfair’ Category

Easter egg goodness

April 1, 2010

Ahh! The joys of Easter are upon us once again. I love this time of year. For many people, it’s a time to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus gave when he died on the cross for the sins of many. For others, it’s a time to pig out on lots of chocolate easter eggs.

I fall into the latter category. Well I had planned on chowing down on a nice Rolo egg, but alas I’ve been sworn off sugar for the next month due to  dietary reasons. It’s so frustrating as this is the first Easter I’ve spent in the UK since 2001. During my absence I’ve had egg parcels sent to me by friends and family or paying exorbitant prices for imported eggs.

I’ve dreamt of this moment for nearly ten years and now it’s all been scuppered. Damn you sugar gods. Damn you all to hell!!!!